Our Online Safety Policy has been written by the school, building on the London Grid for Learning (LGfL) exemplar policy and Government guidance. It has been agreed by the Senior Leadership Team and approved by Governors. It will be reviewed annually and monitored by the Computing Co-ordinator in conjunction with the Pastoral Care Team.
The policy contains information regarding:
- Managing the Internet safely
- Managing e-mail safely
- Using digital images and video safely
- Using the school network, equipment and data safely
- Infringements and possible sanctions
View ourĀ Online Safety Policy
Also, we provide the children, staff and any adults working with the children an acceptable use policy to ensure adults and children understand the responsibilities of using technology and the internet. This is reviewed annually and monitored by the Designated Safetguading Lead and Computing Coordinator.
Staff Pupils Acceptable use policy 2021

LGfL DigiSafe is a brand of LGfL – the National Grid for Learning. Click the image to go to a page full of useful information for parents about keeping their children safe online.