
Information for parents of pupils at Canonbury Primary School.


At Canonbury we believe that our children learn best when everybody respects one another as part of our community. Our school uniform supports this ethos of mutual celebration and support. We ask children to come to school ready to learn and dressed in full school uniform every day.

Online Safety

  We love the internet. Children can play, learn, create and connect with people from all over the world. It’s a wealth of exciting possibilities. But with the digital world changing all the time, we need to make sure that we keep our children safe. Our priority...

Useful Links

A list of useful links for parents


PTA stands for "Parents and Teachers Association". Our aims are to raise funds for the school and to help foster a community spirit via organised social events.

Canonbury School Foundation

The Canonbury School Foundation is the school’s registered charity and was established in 1995 to raise funds for projects that enrich the lives of all the pupils.

Making a Complaint

We take complaints very seriously, so if you have any concerns or would like to raise an issue, please follow our Complaints procedure below.

Term Dates

View the upcoming term dates