Physical Education (PE) plays an integral role within the lives of our children. We provide a full curriculum that supports pupils to become physically confident, reinforce health and fitness and develop individual talent.
Pupils participate in a wide range of activities:
- Fundamental skills
- Net games (Tennis, Badminton)
- Competitive games (Handball, Tag Rugby, Football, Hockey, Rounders, Basketball, Netball, Cricket)
- Gymnastics (Floor work, apparatus)
- Athletics
- Team building games
- Dance
- Swimming
- Outdoor and adventure opportunities
- Orienteering
Pupils experience two hours of PE a week: one indoor and one outdoor session. Alongside teachers, Team Kick Start, our specialist sports coaches, provide a high quality experience for all pupils in line with the 2014 National Curriculum for PE.
PE Curriculum Overview
At Canonbury we encourage healthy competition so that our children put into practice the values of good sportsmanship and teamwork. We participate in school and Islington events which support children in building resilience, confidence and mutual respect.

Years 5 and 6 Girls Football Team, Islington champions 2021-2
Quality Assurance
In October 2014, Canonbury invited an intensive, week long audit of our PE and Sports provision from an external consultant, Mark Carter, Ministry of Football, as part of an Islington-wide audit through Future Zone, the headteachers’ network. His findings were:
“Sport is a strong feature at Canonbury. In particular, the range of extra-curricular sport and participation in competition and after-school clubs is impressive.”
“Children enjoy PE and sport at Canonbury. 77% of children in KS2 say that they “love sport and PE” at the school. This is the highest percentage of the 11 schools audited. Canonbury is different from all other schools audited in that it is the only school where girls enjoy PE and sport more than boys do. Enjoyment scores for both boys and girls are the highest of all 11 schools.”