PTA stands for “Parents and Teachers Association”. Our aims are to raise funds for the school and to help foster a community spirit via organised social events.
What is the PTA?
We are an organisation made up of parents and carers at the school. We volunteer our time to add even more enjoyment to your child’s school years. All parents and carers are automatically members.
What we do
We organise annual events including Fireworks Night, Christmas fair and theSummer fair (all of which are great fun).
We also organise a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast where we thank the teachers for all their hard work throughout the year.
How it works
We organise ourselves through parent representatives from each class. They co-ordinate class cake stalls, organise presents for the teachers and help co-ordinate the running of a stall at Summer and Christmas fairs.
PTA meetings are generally held every half term, usually after morning drop offs. However evening meetings can be scheduled if there is sufficient interest. These meetings allow parents and carers to get together to organise events and to share ideas for future activities. In the past this has included gardening projects, recyclable fashion and the kids designing their own Christmas cards. So if you have any ideas, this is a great forum for them. The meetings also provide an opportunity to hear and decide upon which school ventures and projects should be funded by the PTA. These ideas are put forward from the teaching staff, either through Patrick, the Headteacher, or a teacher representative.
The PTA is an important bridge between the parent and the school and we look forward to your input.
Contact us
You can contact us by email at
Current PTA Committee
- Co-Chairs: Katie Bloor and Victoria Barnard
- Treasurer: Germaine Arze