08 Nov Year 3 Lime class embracing a love of reading
In Year 3 we have been learning….
Lime class have been sharing our favourite books with our class. Each week one lucky child is chosen to write a book review for their homework, their book then becomes the book of the week and is on display within the classroom. We are all really enjoying hearing about the book, reading a few chapters and searching for other books in the series or by the same author in our library sessions. This is helping us and inspiring us to read more!
Here are the first half terms books:
‘Daisy and the trouble with school trips’ by Kes Grey.
‘7 days of LILO and Stitch stories’
‘Space Blasters’ by Katie and Kevin Tsang.
‘Bunny v Monkey’ by Jamie Smart.
‘ Magic Puppy’ by Sue Bentley
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