Welcome to our Digital Leaders page! Digital Leaders areĀ children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility,…
Welcome to our Digital Leaders page!
Each week, we spend our Thursday lunch times working on new digital ways to celebrate our school. For this first term, we wrote two newsletters, which are linked below, and we have successfully created our first podcast! We are delighted to share it with you and it is playable below.
Next term, we are going to work on using Garageband and Bandlab to create our own music. This will accompany our work using our new screen to create our own videos. Hopefully we will show you the amazing results to finish with later in the term!
Parent sessions
Each half term, we will send out a newletter containing updates, links and adverts for session around Online safety. You can read it to keep up to date of the news and activities, around Islington, that your children and yourselves can get involved in.
Pupil Podcasts
Autumn term round up!
Parent Newsletters
Parent Workshops
Autumn – Session 1 – Screentime + Age appropriate content