The link below describes what we intend for children to learn in English at Canonbury and how it relates to our Curriculum Promise
English Intent CPS
Our Curriculum Promise
Reading Lesson
Each morning starts with the daily Reading Lesson across the school. We teach children to read fluently and to understand and respond imaginatively to texts, while nurturing their enjoyment of literature. In Early Years and Key Stage one, children have a weekly reading session in small groups or one to one with the teacher and when ready have opportunities to complete comprehension, word and sentence tasks to support their reading development. In Key Stage Two, we teach a daily whole class reading session where the main focus is to extend comprehension skills.
English Lessons
We teach Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, according to National Curriculum for English, 2014. In lessons, we use high quality texts to engage the imagination and support the development of literacy skills. The children read and respond to a range of fiction and non-fiction books and use them as a starting point for their own writing.
English Whole Class Texts Early Years-Year 6 CPS
Children take part in activities that involve reading, writing, role play, drama, discussion, debate, presentation, recitation. Teachers use ‘Talk for Writing’ strategies, recognising that a sequence of ‘think it, say it, write it’ is strong in supporting children to expand their writing knowledge and skills.
We recognise how important it is for children to use their knowledge and skills in a relevant context in order to bring their learning to life. English skills are applied across the curriculum, with opportunities to read and write in Topic work, Art and Science
English in the Early Years
In Nursery and Reception, teachers plan from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 2021. Communication and Language, Reading and Writing are encouraged everyday and opportunities are ever present in the environment. Children have opportunities to explore, use, and enjoy words and text. They learn to respond to adults and to each other, listen carefully, and practise their communication skills through methods such as role-play, story-telling and shared writing.
Phonics and Handwriting
Phonics is taught every day in EYFS, Year 1 and 2, using the Read Write Inc. scheme of work. In Nursery, the children also develop their fine motor skills ready for writing, through the Funky Fingers scheme. Our classrooms are rich with phonics resources, surrounding children in a wealth of tools to develop their skills in reading and writing. Handwriting is taught regularly using the Penpals scheme of work to support the development of a fluent, legible script. For more information, clisk on the links below.
How We Teach Phonics at Canonbury
Our Library
We have a thriving School Library, run by our own librarian. This valuable resource means children have access to a vast array of inspiring and ever-changing literature.
Children from Nursery to Year 6 visit the library every week to listen to a story, explore a wide range of texts and to borrow books for reading at home.